Thursday, September 30, 2004

hey there stranger

I gotta give a shout to Amy. Who else can I bitch about Britney with?? No one, that's who.

Monday, September 27, 2004

holy hotness batman

This is going to be one of those movies. One of those movies that has just way too much hotness. After my big to-do about how much I don't like action films, with the exception of heist films and big epic type films (ie: LOTR. Although I also don't like big war films. I'm a complicated movie goer) this weekend, I feel kinda bad getting excited about this movie. cause I'm way fucking excited. Can't go wrong with Brad AND Angelina.

Check out the Trailer for Mr. and Mrs. Smith

I swear, one of these days I'll get around to seeing Sky Capitan

Sunday, September 26, 2004

fun steve

I spent the night at Jon (the Mighty Buda) and Beth's (the woman who loves him) for Chili night. I said I was going to write about something and now it's totally gone. I think it was something about sexplay and matchbox cars. ouch. but all in all I had a great time last night and realize now I should probably go to more of these things.

I've been watching Angel's in America and its pretty fucking amazing. and really fucking sad. it's early and I'm sleepy.